AADHIKARonline London Sunday 20 August 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Muhammad Haque updates the examination of the crassness of the Crossrail plugger Matthew Parris, ex-MP

AADHIKARonline London Sunday 20 August 2006<br />Editor Muhammad Haque


LONDON Sunday 20 August 2006

The 3rd Edition published from London at 0805 Hrs GMT / 0905 Hrs UK time on Sunday 20 August 2006

Editor in Chief
Muhammad Haque

Moral and legal statement about the materials published here and about access and references to them All materials published here are originally created and authored unless otherwise stated [eg external links and comparable evidence of participation or contribution by other authoring and analytical sources] publishing these online editions in association with the KHOODEELAAR! The BRICK LANE AND WHITECHAPEL LONDON E1 AREA CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE CROSSRAIL HOLE attacks on the east end of London


[1980 - 2006]

AADHIKAR MEANS RIGHTS IN ASIAN. The word was introduced into English by Muhammad Haque in December 1980. It was first published as part of the title and description of the weekly AADHIKAR on Monday 19 December 1980

So why would a former MP, a diehard racist and an abuser of 'Third world poor' for his gratification-holidays, endorse the Crossrail attack on the East End generally and through Brick Lane in particular?

By Muhammad Haque 0740 Hrs GMT London Sunday 20 August 2006
To understand why Matthew Parris who never had anything to lose if the whole of the East End got devastated, decided to urge on Tory Blair to cause Crossrail-hole-devastation to the Eats End, it is necessary to take a contextual look at what the ‘commentators’ of Matthew parries ilk are actually in ‘business to do’. They are propaganda agents of the state. Or of the status quo. They are the touts in the media who prop up the image of those who hold the levers of state power. Locally and centrally in the UK. Also these are the same elements, who help sell the latest lie in justification of violation of the rights of entire peoples ‘abroad’. Mostly in Asia. Mostly in the ‘Middle East’. And to these propagandists on the British media, the people in the inner cities,. In areas like Brick Lane and Whitechapel, are ‘outsiders' Regardlessof hiostiry. Regardless of the very positive contribution to the whole society that the diverse populations and diverse communities make. So, let’s look at the operation of the propaganda weapon against the communities as applied by the employment of Matthew parries.
First a crucial myth about Britain.
One of the myths that have been vigorously applied by those wanting to keep the people in the country in the dark about who uses the actual access to state power and to what end is the myth that ‘being an MP’ makes the person ‘acquire a sense of fairness, justice and insight into things that are not within the abilities of non-MPs, that is ordinary people.
Thus we see so many former MPs floating on the airwaves and elsewhere in the sea of media sleaze that is impossible to exactly measure. But it is very possible to feel the impact of. And the nasty noise of. One of those who make such noise is of course the irritatingly parasitic Matthew Parris. He used to be a Tory MP. And he used to be also a far more vocally racist violator of the human rights of his ‘fellow-Britons’ than he is these days. Less racistly vocal Matthew parries may be but he is as fanatically racist in this ‘new’, 21st century as he was in the 1970s, in the 1980s. And so when the voters in the Bethnal Green and Bow Parliamentary Constituency in Tower Hamlets decided to say No to Oona King [5 May 2005] and let in someone called George Galloway, it was Matthew parries who joined the mourners procession in honour of the image that they had all been party to and subscribed to. It as the image of the Tory Blair being shown to have suffered a significant electoral setback. Albeit a local one. But a setback nonetheless. And that the Tory Blair Brigade did see it as a setback showed! One of those who joined the procession mourning the ouster of Oona King was Matthew parries. He could hardly contain his discontent. He was beside himself with rage against the voters of ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’. Which of course includes Brick Lane and Whitechapel. The target of the CrossRail hole attack.
And what made Matthew parries relevant to CrossRail? The answer is in the statement he published. He said that CrossRail should be driven through Brick Lane to PUNISH the people for voting in George Galloway!
So it was plain that Crossrail could be used as a weapon of destruction. A weapon to destroy a community which had exercised its right to vote for whoever it considered suitable. A right to which Matthew Parris allegedly pledges sick-makingly solemn and persistently boastful allegiance every time he is given a platform by the setters of the sleazy agenda on the BBC. The BBC adopted the very corrupt tactic of creating a series of ‘talking spots’ which it then deployed to buy the backing of sleazeball small-timers like Parris who would gladly appear on these spots and spout out about everything under the careerist sun. Excluding of course the fact that the BBC was the most corrupting corporate entity in all of Western Europe. Parris is never challenged by the BBC talking point fronter [who in turn are alas small-time recruits from the ranks of the terminally immoral British professional media, as is so unhealthily typified by Andrew Neill] on the premiss let alone on the ethics of what he spouts out on for the few minutes he is given on the BBC> Parris is one of about 100 media liars who are currently on display as the agents of the Blair state. They are drawn from the Murdoch stable as well as from the rest of the purchasable batches of ‘writers and broadcasters’ or ‘authors and broadcasters who are in fact linked with the other stables of British ‘media’. One of the stables of course includes the one occupied until recently by the universally hated Barbara Amiel [whose toy boy ‘husband’ Conrad The Thief Black had acquired a seat in the British House of Lureds by bribery and corruption of his end of the British party political marketplace] . So what do they know about a community targeted for devastation by CrossRail? What does [or did] Matthew Parris know about the people who voted out Oona King? And why was he so sore about the ouster of Oona king? Who was Oona King? Who was she to him? What was it that Oona King had to say, if she had to say anything, about the community’s right to say No to CrossRail hole?

[To be continued]

What warning signals for democracy and civil freedom in UK are contained in the BBC Radio 4 'Any Questions' and 'Any Answers' fronted by 'Welcome back Nick' Clarke on [Friday 18? And] Saturday 19 August 2006 [who seems to have a personal careerist project going, whenever he appears on the programme as presenter, he broadcasts calls that are invariably welcoming him back!]?

Clarke had on the programme a typically BBC-plugged token of ‘ethnic achievement’ in the form, as Clarke spoke the words of approbation, of Linton Kewesi Johnson.
But When it came to giving credence to what Johnson had to say in response to the barrage of racist and anti-Muslin questions, Clarke failed to show he was fair let alone tolerant. It was open season against the current group targeted by racist xenophobes whom the BBC accommodates so comprehensively. The danger is - and there in lies the evidence of the most irresponsible, partial, biased, untruthful thing against liberty and tolerance in society that the BBC does contrary to its licence agreement – and the BBC does this against allegedly ‘natural born’ indigenous groups as well. As it did against the mineworkers in the Margaret Thatcher’s war on the workers. This truth was denied in one of the Any Questions commentators or panellists on Saturday 19 August 2006 when that Thatcher-propagandist praised Thatcher on the BBC Radio 4 programme as an upholder of the working class. That was allegedly seen in Thatcher’s destruction of public housing for people and in the disenfranchised from being denied the protection of organised trade union support! And that is why all who are worried for civil liberty and freedom in Britain must stop the BBC getting any further down the route to crypto fascism and denial of democracy.
The trendies who make slogans and stage protest demos from time to time allegedly against the Blaring war ion the Arabs, as the current theme is, hardly ever think of the BBC as being at all a sinister warrior outfit. It is far more lethal than any of th left trendy ‘opposition protesters’ has shown any awareness of. No wonder the BBC has so perfected the craft of having token lefties on its chat shows and pathetic tokenistic 'free speech and democracy' spiel forums including Any Question, Question Time etcetera.
The routine ‘I am an Asian but I am not a Muslim’ caller who was given airtime on Nick Clarke’s Any Answers, was even more bewilderingly confused and confusing.
[To be continued]

    Khoodeelaar! continues to expose the economic absurdities and flaws of the Crossrail hole plot Bill
  1. Why is the Crossrail Department caught up in the web of their own lies?
  2. Why Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-inviting Council chief executive was given so many plugs in the ‘East London Idiotiser’ – an update
  3. And the politically lethal silence of the so-called opposition on the local Tower Hopeless Council, on the ‘Greater London Assembly’ and in the UK House of Commons

  4. From the previous edition as published on Friday 18 August 2006

    Khoodeelaar! Breaking news at 2000 Hrs GMT London Friday 18 August 2006

    The Crossrail hole Bill Ministry shows signs of new pressure created by Khoodeelaar! legal action programme

    The UK Department for Transport which is formally promoting the Crossrail hole Bill in the British parliament, showed new signs of severe strain and management and organisational fatigue within the Department this week.

    Loud and unconcealed signs of deep unease being felt in the Crossrail hole Bill team in the Department came over in a series of communications that was initiated this week by Khoodeelaar! organiser Muhammad Haque and as the Khoodeelaar! court action date got nearer.

    The CrossRail team was feeling particular pressure this past week, as confirmed by confidential sources to KHOODEELAARonline late on Saturday 19 August 2006.

    Due to the Khoodeelaar! legal action programme aimed at forcing the Department to scrap the remainder of the Crossrail hole plot against the East End, the entire team briefed to plug the sham project has been suffering unprecedented strain this past fortnight.

    The atmosphere got tenser this week when Khoodeelaar! began serving the Crossrail company with the detailed particulars of claim. It is that company, full title 'Cross London rail Links Limited' [CLRL] that has been in charge of the sham scheme.

    Until this week, Khoodeelaar! did not issue the formal letter before claim in quite the detail that it commenced doing this past week.

    And the extents of the claim that Khoodeelaar! is proposing to make in court has given unprecedented anxieties being felt by the various agents and promoters inside both the CrossRail hole team [at the DfT] and the CrossRail company itself [CLRL].

    It may be recalled that the former Minster heading the CrossRail hole Department [DfT], Alistair Darling, had been forced to stage a U-turn in March this year literally a day before Khoodeelaar! was set to file court claims against him in the London High Court.

    Tony Blair shifted Darling out of his Transport Ministry job shortly after Darling had to issue the written statement on 30 March 2006 admitting the truth in effect of every single criticism that Khoodeelaar had made about the CRASSrail DIRT hole in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area.

    [This report continues over the weekend]


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